The idea of free thought
Randomly composed words with no previous notion to coherency
This isn't a stretch for acknowledgment of intelligence
Just thoughts... simple, unmolested thoughts
But isn't that the main question that comes up
Different strings attached to the end
Different situations, different questions
But they all boil down to why
Why me, why this, why now...
Why the hell not.
Who really knows
I sure don't?
Am I really on the right path?
Is this the trail that I originally embarked on?
Or did I somehow veer off while looking at the map.
Heh. I doubt that, my eyes certainly weren't on the map.
If they would have been on the map
I would be where I was intended to be
However, It's quite possible
That these, these unexpected turns
Are more on track than I ever realized
Maybe my map was off to begin with
I suppose that's something you discover with time
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