
ugh. why not.

Posted by Jason

I told myself I would not do it until I saw Andy do one... so why not join the crowd. (edit. weeks late at that. /shrugs)

1. I have a strange ability to make others around me feel as if I could do almost anything.

2. I pick up new hobbies and skills on whims.

3. I once told somebody within the first day of meeting them that I don't think we would be friends.

4. I was incredibly outgoing until about the age of 7, then I became very shy and slowly became less shy. Then about 3 years ago I mostly stopped caring and started saying whatever I felt like.

5. I love the movie Enchanted.

6. People tend to think that I lie a lot in reference to personal things, when in reality I'm telling the truth the majority of the time. I have one friend who can recognize the difference by the slight change of tone in my voice.

7. I'm an information hoarder. I want to know all I can about as much as I can (though #8 saves me from spending too much time on this). I like to understand everything, and it frustrates me beyond all measures when I can't understand something.

8. I have urges for perfection, overcome by apathy.

9. I've seen every episode of Hannah Montanna.

10. I always sleep with a fan running.

11. I almost always prefer texting to talking on the phone.

12. I want a tattoo but have yet to come up with anything I deem worthy of permanently putting on my body.

13. I've never been to an ikea.

14. I'm normally very quiet around new people. I'm not shy, you just learn more when you're not talking.


16. I'm ridiculously self-analytical.

17. I intentionally chose to leave #15 blank.

18. I'll go out of my way to break rules. Especially if I consider them stupid.

19. I'm borderline egotistical, but at the same time think very low of myself.

20. I like to consider myself an artist, but at times I don't because most of what I create comes out of rationalism as opposed to creativity.

21. I once blurted out that I liked a girl, to her face... and the group of 15 other people that I was in the middle of addressing.

22. I take a lot of joy in shocking people or making them feel uncomfortable.

23. I never have any problems playing the devil's advocate.

24. I love movies, and not just in a general sense. I love the compilation of a good story, impaction music, and compelling images. I also tend to enjoy good movies more when I watch them alone and late at night when there are no distractions.

25. (I know I used several of these already, but I don't care) I'm very critical of everything I do, but I manage to cope with apathy. I also am incredibly self-analytical. And I am critical of everything around me, and expect others to use the same type of evaluation on me.