
An entry from NYWC 06'

Posted by Jason

The radio comes on,
Moving from static to the latest con,
All my thoughts, my revelations
Promptly dissipate, unwilling to compete with the constructed noise.

The beautiful imagination and visions of childhood
Now far gone, unwilling to be coxed out
Possibly now further than the stars that once inspired them
Creativity and these beautiful images
Now constructed for me with all their hidden motives and ideas
Seamlessly woven in
How did we get here
And more vitally, how the hell do we get back
Unsure whether to be angry
sad, depressed, confused, mourning, frustrated, pissed off, moved
motivated, energized, relaxed, or maybe just a disgusting blend of it all
Now yelling and cursing inside my mind
Any more action simply feels like a waste of breath
The very essence of life
So where do we, do I, go from here
Chained together by injustice
By being prodded and branded like cattle
But simultaneously bound even stronger by the immobilizing grip of apathy
So what now? Where from here?
To lay down in these artificial communities
On our softly engineered grass
Or to break free to where we once were, but barely know
To charge through the sharp tearing barbed wire of harsh realities
Towards an unknown freedom
Or gently lay our heads on our soft, conforming pillows of apathy...