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Somehow or another I seem to have struck an odd placement between being incredibly realistic yet overwhelmingly idealistic. It's a strange paradox that creates harsh uncertainty at every turn. It makes me feel like I am on a small island. This island can sustain life, but it is small, and holds no hope for larger aspirations. All rational and realistic expectations would vote to make due and set up shop on the small island, insuring survivability. Yet the idealistic yearnings long to find a larger island with waterfalls and some sort of meaningful purpose. To find the newer, larger island and populate would be a dream come true. It would be the ideal outcome. So what happens? You end up on a half-ass raft in the open ocean with all rational thinking shouting to turn around and head back to the small, safe island and every idealistic whim in your body screaming to keep going in hopes of finding something more. In turn comes three possible outcomes: turning back and living out on a small, purposeless island, venturing out and possibly finding something more, or perhaps just drowning on the open ocean in an unending search for more or in the inability to make a decision.
So what do I say? - Happy Sailing.
I loosely watched the national conventions the past few weeks, and towards the end of his speech, McCain said something that really stood out from the normal rhetoric.
"If you find faults with our country, make it a better one. If you're disappointed with the mistakes of government, join its ranks and work to correct them. Enlist in our armed forces. Become a teacher. Enter the ministry. Run for public office. Feed a hungry child. Teach an illiterate adult to read. Comfort the afflicted. Defend the rights of the oppressed. Our country will be the better, and you will be the happier. Because nothing brings greater happiness in life than to serve a cause greater than yourself."
How true this is, not only with our country, but with our schools, our churches, our jobs, and everything that we are a part of in our lives. We are not meant to be self-consumed. We are meant to live for things greater than ourselves.
I like night. I always have. The night time has always felt peaceful. It has a tendency to be much quieter. My aunts and uncles are no longer calling the house asking for my parents. The calls from solicitors cease, and fewer cars travel the roads. Everything about it whispers a quiet, serene story that does not seem to care whether it is heard. The darkness drapes the landscape and all things brightened by the harsh daylight. Things that were once clear and easy to see are hidden by a shroud of black, occasionally highlighted by moonlight or harshly brought to sight by our man made lights. For some reason, this limited vision and lack of ability to see into this distance brings peace. What is strange is how darkness limits what we can see around us, but it is the only time we can see into the cosmos, places far beyond our world. The light retreats to rest for the evening and darkness quickly fills it's gap. It drapes everything and provides the opportunity to look up to a world the light hides so crassly as if the sun is afraid we will cheat on her with other stars and novas.