
Swindled by Best Buy

Posted by Jason

Well, I am still somewhat unemployed, so finances are not exactly rolling in at the moment. In light of this, seeing $25 charges on my checking account that I did not authorize does not really fill me with joy. Apparently... that whole 8 week free magazine trial at Best Buy has some fine print to it. For what seemed like years, I turned down that offer every time I made a purchase from their store, but about two months ago I said sure, why the hell not. I got myself a free 8 week subscription to Time (I guess I wanted to be more cultured or something). Well, this morning I find a $24.95 charge on my debit card from TWX*TIME/BEST BUY.

Apparently it is a free 8 week trial if you can figure out how to cancel it within 7-8 weeks, otherwise you get another 16 weeks and it back charges you for the 8 "free" weeks then automatically renews every 6 months at a price higher than you could get straight from the Time website. Fortunately, as I have learned from past lessons, as long as you can write demanding e-mails or wait on the phone long enough you can get almost anything refunded. I doubt I will stop shopping at Best Buy or do much of anything, but I will will casually announce my new disdain for Best Buy, which also has ground in them losing my application 5 years ago. Screw you Best Buy.


Well that probably failed...

Posted by Jason

I find it amusing that my last post rambles about professional blogging and then I don't post again for several weeks. Meh. So I put in a few applications but really did not get any of the jobs I cared about. In light of that, I've been doing some vending like usual, which currently pays the bills I incur while living with my parents, but I should probably find something more in the near future. I bought some webhosting and started getting ready to push the whole freelance thing, you know, graphic design, photography, maybe some video... whatever pays the bills really. That's coming along alright I guess. Part of me wants to just pack up the car and head out for a few months.